Marriage & Couples Therapy
Good Relationships
Trust, Communication & Connection | Conflict Resolution | Evidence-based

Couples Counselling in Bath
Speak directly to expert Couples Counsellor, Chris Langer, in Bath
Fast, effective support right from initial contact
Evening appointments up to 9pm
Pay per session with no upfront fees
Meet face-to-face in Bath (or online if more convenient)
No waiting list
I know how important it can be to get immediate support for relationship difficulties before any rash decisions are made. That’s why I offer daytime and evening appointments up to 9pm in the evening locally in Bath.
From experience, I know that a prolonged wait for professional support can just compound the difficulties. To ensure the best possible outcome, I aim to see couples as soon as possible. There is no waiting list so Bath couples - and those from the surrounding areas - can normally be seen face-to-face in Bath within a week.
For those who find the online option more convenient, in most cases you can get an appointment within 48 hours. Stopping the arguments and unhealthy patterns is often a key concern at the start of couples counselling. The right kind of dialogue, facilitated by a couples counsellor, can make all the difference.
Replace the despair and resentment with hope, optimism and the right tools to succeed from your very first couples session together - in Bath or online.
You can read about the six main areas couples work on here